To make a wind racer.
-Bamboo/metal rod
-Plastic Bag
-Popsicle Sticks
1.Put the metal rod in the trolley.
2.Cut pieces of material into squares.
3.Draw on the paper for creativity.
4.Gather and cut pieces of tape and string.
5.Stick the materials to the metal rod.
The four forces acting on the wind racer were:
Gravity: The wind racer didn't fly in the sky, and the wind made it fall over.
Support: The ground kept the wind racer up.
Push: The wind pushed the wind racer.
Pull: The wind racer stopped.
Why did it slow down?
I think the main reason was that we didn't have enough spacing for the bag to catch the air, another reason is that the leaf blower was too far away and was a bit too weak to reach the wind racer.
The wind racer didn't exactly go the first time we did it, but once we reset and tried again it kinda worked but didn’t go that far. Next time I would probably angle on how I am blowing onto the wind racer so it could make it a bit more further or make the plastic bag a bit looser so it can catch some more wind.