T o be friendly is very important it help you make more friends. Here is a list to be friendly.
1. Be yourself and don't be like other's.
2. Always help others if they need help.
3. Be kind to other.
4. Say Hi! and ask what their name.

at this I see a cute little kind and friendly creature.
6. Always be kind and others how you will like to be treated.
I've learned that friendliness is very important for you're friendship and also very important to make friends. I have lots of friends by using friendliness. It is very easy to make friends by using friendliness.
You have some great thoughts on what Friendliness means Milan. I like how you will say hi as a welcome to someone and ask their name. I found it very hard to read the words on this blog. Next time you should look at a preview to make sure the colours you have used are easy to read.