This week in our P.E Hurumanu we have been…
S - Statement
E - Explanation
E - Example
Our first activity kick long ball For this activity, I rated my self as a 4 because I was cheering my teammates when they got the goal but if they didn't I said good try. I was involved in the game even though I didn't want to and if I didn't get it I was resilient and tried again.
To achieve level 4 we have to show that we can consistently be a leader by making contributes to the team, also to make sure you involve other people and encourage them in a positive way.
During the first game of kick long ball, I showed that I am working at level 3 by being positive to my team and encouraging them if they didn't believe in themselves. These examples show that I have met the standard for level 3.
Our second activity was bench ball. For this activity, I rated my self as a 4 because I was a leader to the team, I had made sure everyone was okay with what they were doing. When I was on the bench or not I still encourage my team. When they were struggling I told them the technique on how to get the ball of the other team.
To achieve level 4 we have to show that we can consistently have a positive attitude to the team by always encouraging them when they gave up and always cheer them on.
During the game of bench ball, I showed that I am working at level 4 by being a leader and having a positive attitude. These examples show that I have met the standard for level 4.
Next week I am aiming to work at level 4. To make sure that I am working that level I am going to work on always having a good attitude and helping my team by being a little more patient.