
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Workshop 4: How does music enhance the story?

Diegetic sound - Sounds added to a scene .e.g. music.
Non-Diegetic sound - Sounds that happens naturally in a scene .e.g. footsteps, wind, blowing leaves.

Major - Written in a major key, has a happy uplifting tone
Minor - Written in a minor key, has a sad, glooming tone

Fast - Could walk quickly too, make the music feel energetic and gives it a movement/pace
Moderate - Mix two
Slow - Dragging feet pace, make the music feel lethargic, boring, energy lacking, sleepy

Loud (Farte) - Gets viewer attention, enhances emotions/mood - makes happy, happier, etc
Quiet (piano) - Either background noise or used to make viewers focus.
Changing - Quiet - loud (builds intensity) Loud - quiet (Draws focus)

Mr Taylor's video:

Song 1 - 
Happy, joyful, uplifting and energetic (fast tempo) - major chords

Song 2 -
Sad, lonely and tired (slow tempo) - minor chords

Coraline (opening scene):
Chords - Minor (has a sad vibe, feels creepy, unsettling)
Tempo - Moderate (feels on edge, walking pace, gives energy)
Dynamic - Changing (starts quiet, gets louder, grabs our attention, builds emotion and intensity)

Mouse Circus:
Chords - Minor (is very upbeat and energetic but minor tone makes it feel off/uncomfortable.)
Tempo - Fast (gives us upbeat, want to move, energy, makes the circus feel fun and lively.)
Dynamics - loud (makes viewer feel hyped up, energetic, invited to join in.)

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