
Monday, November 23, 2020

Distallation - Chemicals & chaos


Recap:  Last lesson we learnt that the process of evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas. So we can separate a solution, by evaporating away the solvent to learnt a solute (solid). 

But what if we want to collect gas?? When we trap the gas and turn it back into a liquid this is called condensation.

What is it?

  • Evaporation: heating a liquid, turns to a gas
  • Condensation: cooling down a gas, turn into a liquid.
Experiment:                                  Separating a mixture using distillation
Aim: To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation.
  • A solution of saltwater
  • Conical flask
  • Heatproof mat
  • A delivery tube and bung
  • Bunsen burner
  • Tripod
  • Gauze mat 
  • Retort stand
  • Boss head and clamp
  • Boiling tube
  1. Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram
  2. Add approximately 50 ml of saltwater to your conical flask
  3. Light your bunsen burner. Open the air hole and gently push the bunsen burner under the tripod
  4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your bunsen burner.
Hypothesis: When the coke is heated the sugar will solidify and stay in the flask and the liquid will be evaporated and travel all the way to the test tube and cool.

Observations: As soon as we put the Bunsen burner on the coke was already boiling, when the coke started to evaporate it was transferred through the bung and into the tube where it cools and turns into clear brown liquid.

Conclusion: Coke Zero has had less dissolved substances, when normal coke had more dissolved solids which was sugar.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Serial Dilution

 Aim: To make a dilution series to investigate concentration.

Hypothesis: I think that the potassium permanganate will slowly dilute as we tip 5 ml of every test tube into the next test tube.


  • A potassium permanganate crystal
  • Six large test tube
  • Tweezers
  • A plastic transfer pipette
  • A test tube rack
  • 10 ml measuring cylinder
  1. Place 6 test tubes in a test tube rack. Label the rack with numbers 1-6
  2. Using the measuring cylinder, fill test tube 1 with 10 ml of water. Fill the remaining test tube with 5 ml of water.
  3. Using your tweezers, add a single crystal of potassium permanganate to test tube 1
  4. Gently shake the test tube until the crystal has dissolved
  5. Using the transfer pipette, carefully remove exactly 5 ml from test tube 1 and pour it into test tube 2
  6. Rinse the transfer pipette thoroughly to ensure that no purple solution remains
  7. Gently shake test tube 2 and repeat the transfer process, transferring exactly 5 ml of solution from test tube 2 to test tube 3.
  8. Rinse the pipette again and repeat the transfer process for test tubes 4, 5 and 6.
Which was most dilute? Test tube 6
Least diluted? Test tube 1
Most concentrated? Test tube 1
Least concentrated? Test tube 6
How fo you know? With the most diluted the colour of the liquid has less colour to it and the most concentrated is the brightness of the liquid.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Filtration Experiment

Aim: To separate a solution from a precipitate (precipitate is the name for a solid that forms in a liquid during a chemical reaction.) 
Solvent - Thing doing the dissolving (liquid)
Solute - Thing being dissolved (solid)   
Solution - A mixture that is formed.
Filtration - Separates particles based on size.
Filtrate - Liquid after it has been filtered.
Mixture - 2 or more substances together
Solubility - Ability to dissolve.
Hypothesis: What do you think will happen 

  • Copper sulfate
  • Conical flask
  • Stirring rod
  • 200ml beaker
  • Funnel
  • Filter paper
  1. Pour approximately 50ml of copper sulfate solution into a beaker. 
  2. Add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution. A reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue precipitate form. Called copper carbonate.
  3. Watch demo then fold filter to fit inside the funnel.
  4. Place the funnel with the filter paper inside of it, into the mouth of a conical flask.
  5. Stir the mixture in the beaker, then carefully pour it into the funnel.
  6. Observe what happened.
Observation and Discussion: What you saw happen and why do you think it happened?
When you add the liquids together they start making a bright blue coloured liquid. When you start to filter the liquid through the filter paper there are blue solids on the top and clear liquid coming from the bottom, the reason is that the blue cannot fit through the filter paper because it has large particles in it but the clear liquid has small particles which fit through the filter paper.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

9/11 - Chemicals and chaos

 Today in chemicals and chaos we had to choose a terrific event that has happened in the past. I chose to research about the 9/11 that had happened on September 11 2001, this event was the worst that had ever happened. So many people had died and apparently, no one survived that was in the building or planes. 

The day was a normal day and everyone was fine then a plane got hijacked and hit the big twin building then 20 min later the small twin building got hit. In the video that I watched there were voicemails of people saying goodbye to their loved ones and say that they loved them. That day was the worst day.

Business & Enterprise kete

 For the past 3 weeks, we have been involved in the B&E kete. My role in this has been CEO, my job was to make sure that everyone knew what they were doing, I had to tell them what they need to do and to make sure that everything is sorted. Our company was called Pacific vibe, our product was Polynesian food such as chopsuey (sapasui), panakeke, fried bread and Otai (watermelon drink). 

My reflection on how the business went overall is that our food was really good and was fresh, our tables were too close to other companies and there were some messes and arguments. My reflection on the B&E overall is the whole thing was amazing and everyone's stall was amazing, most of the stalls were already sold out cause they didn't have much stuff.

Here are the photos from the day:

Monday, September 21, 2020

Expands - Hurumanu 3

 In science web, we have been looking into conduction and expansion. We had to make a stop motion about one of the topics (expansion, conducts, convection). We had to show an example of the topics, we had to make it clear so that others could tell what was happening in the slide.

In this slide, we chose to do the expansion, for the example the tube is cold and the ball doesn't fit, then once the tube is heated it expands and the ball fits. The heat gives the tube energy which the energy makes the tube expand and makes it big.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Rule of thirds - Art

  In art, we are looking at rule of thirds. It's about how an image is divided into a three by three grid. with the focal point of the photo being where the lines meet.

This is one of the sketches that I did, this image is using the rule of thirds. Each focal point of the image is where the lines of the grid cross over each other.

These drawing are ideas of rule of thirds, I drew these so I can practice how to do rule of thirds.

This is one of the sketches I did, this drawing is using the rule of thirds. Each focal point of the image is where the lines of the grid cross over each other.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Particle theory and diffusion experiment - Chemicals and chaos

 This week in chemicals we are learning about particle theory and diffusion, we are working on what is and how it works. There are 6 rules on particle theory and diffusion:

  1.  All matter is made up of particles
  2. All particles in a pure substance are the same
  3. There is space between all particles
  4. Particles are always moving
  5. There are attractive forces between particles
  6. Temperature affects the speed at which particles move

For this experiment, we are going to put Potassium permanganate into cold and hot water to see which one diffuses faster.  
Aim: To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of diffusion.
Hypothesis: I think that warm water will diffuse faster than cold water, because of the speed of the heat makes the potassium will move faster.
Conclusion: My conclusion was right because when we put the potassium in both the waters at the same time and the potassium spread straight away when it went into the warm water.

Plastic bags - Textiles

 What is plastic bags?

Traditional plastic bag are usually made from polythylene, its a type of thin flexible plastic film. Plastic bags are for carrying goods like food, powders, magazines, clothes and waste. It's a more common type of package. 

Why is there no more single use of plastic bags?

Sing-use plastic shopping bags are banned in New Zealand from 1 July 2019. Business cannot provide you with single-use bags. The ban will help reduce the amount of plastic in our environment.

How does plastic bags effect climate change?

Sunlight and heat melt the plastic to release strong greenhouse gasses, making the environment worst and toxic. As our Climate changes. the planet gets hotter, the plastic breaks down into more methane and ethylene, increasing the rate of climate change, and so perpetuating the cycle, plastic takes forever to breakdown which makes animals to eat it and die.

How are plastic bags made?

Manufactured and composition traditional plastic bags are made from polythene , which consists of long chains ethylene monomers. Ethylene is derived from natural gas and petroleum. Plastic shopping bags are commonly manufactured by blown film extrusion.

Alternatives to plastic bags:

  • Wool bags (homemade or shops)
  • Kete (flax bags)
  • Baskets
  • Bio degradable bags
  • School bags

We're saying no to plastic bags - Mary Potter Hospice

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Well being - Wananga

 In the last 2 weeks we have looked at Resilience - Emotional Awareness (understanding emotions) and impulses, I have come to realise that my emotions actually have effect on people around me.

Being able to control my emotions in different situations avoids:

- Breaking relationships with others

-  Mental breakdowns

- Healthy social well being

- Anger issues

- Conflict

Knowing how to react and respond in situations rather than acting on impulses means that not getting myself in trouble by making or doing something wrong. The effect that things have on my Social well being (Taha Whanau) when your being kind to someone your relationship becomes healthier but when your being unkind and rude to someone your relationship becomes unhealthy and is toxic.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

30 sec film - Inside and out

1. What was the film about? 2 people playing a volleyball game but something goes terribly wrong
2. Something I enjoyed while making my film? All the laughs and us having fun with the video
3. Something I learned while making my film? That you shouldn't work with friends or people you can't focus with other wise you won't get work finish
4. Some film techniques I included were:
  • Low angle
  • High angle
  • Eye level
  • Birds eye view
  • Long shot (wide)
  • Close up
5. Something I found challenging was:
  • Getting angles
  • Making sure we got all the scenes
6. What I would do differently next time? 
- Go in a group with people who I work well with
- Have more ideas for angle shots

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What is Gelato?

What is gelato?

Gelato is a popular type of ice cream which is from Italy. 

What’s the difference between gelato and ice cream? It starts out with a similar custard base as ice cream but has a higher amount of milk and a lower amount of cream and eggs (or no eggs at all). It is churned at a much slower rate, incorporating less air and leaving the gelato denser than ice cream.

Why does gelato have so much flavour?

Gelato has less sugar than what ice cream is and when you eat the gelato it instantly melts in your mouth so it gives you a quick burst of flavour.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Digestive system - inside and out

In science, we have been working on the digestive system last week. We had to make a DLO of the digestive system, in the DLO we had to put each of part of the digestive system, then we had to explain what they do and how they help our body to stay alive. We were allowed to go in pairs  so I went with someone in my class here is the DLO we had made:

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Characters strengths - Film study

In film studies, we have been given independent work for when we have finished the work that we had been given. For this independent work, we have to choose 2 characters out of the movie and write down what their strengths are, my 2 characters are Coraline and the Other Wybie. 

Coraline: Curiosity and bravery, the reason I chose curiosity was that at the start of the movie when we see her arrive at the house she starts to look around the house and then once she was unpacking the boxes she found the small door but when she opened it, it was empty. The reason I chose bravery was that at the end she found out that she needed to find her parents and the ghost children's eyes and for her to do that she needed to play a game, instead of her crying because she misses her parents she thought about others a fought hard for them back. 

The other Wybie: Kindness and Bravery, the reason I chose kindness for Wybie was that at the start when we first met him we were really nice and actually care about Coraline and at the end, he put his own safeness away from and try to save Coraline. The reason I chose bravery for Wybie was that at the end he was saving Coraline from the other mother and stepped up to the other mother even though he was scared of her he still stood up to her and saved Coraline.

Challenge chart - Inside and out

This week for film studies we had to make a presentation for a challenge chart about 2 characters in the movie, we had to put the challenges they faced, how they reacted and what showed us about that characters. The 2 characters I chose was Coraline the main character of the movie and the other mother. The reason I chose these two characters was that they were showed more in the movie and we could see who they actually are. 

What am I learning?
Understanding how characters are developed in a film.
How does this work show my learning?
I created the show I can understand how the characters developed in a film.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
Is there other ways to show this working.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Photo montage - Art

In these few weeks of art we have been looking at art montage and trying it out ourselves, you might be wonder what is a photo montage well I'll tell you. Photo montage is a collage of a bunch of photos bunch in to something that is weird or different. Our art teacher had given us several photos of objects or people and a white piece of paper, then we had to be super creative and try to make something out of those photos. Here is my work that I did:

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Analyse the plot of a film

Hey guys, this week in inside and out we have been learning on how to write down the key points o each scene of the movie of Coraline. So we had 2 choices on how we can show it, today I chose to do a timeline dlo, then I added some photos just to make it a little prettier. 

What am I learning? 
I'm learning how to explain how the film's plot is constructed to engage a viewer using technical language.
How does the work show my learning? 
This show my understanding of how to show a plot of a movie or story.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning? 
I'm wondering if there is any other why to show the plot

Workshop 5: Creating characters

1. Physical:
- soft/round edges
- looks like real mm
- Normal height

- Basic
- Baggy loose clothing
- Mostly covers body

- Warm, artificial light, dull
- (Colour palette) orange

2. Physical:
- Sharper edges (head, nose and apron)

- Pattern on outfit
- Blacks/red
- loose/naggy gives an idea of softness

- Warm artificial
- Orange/yellow

3. Physical:
- Paler skin
- Weight shift to hip/bum (accents Beatle)
- Pointy nose, back of the head, elbow
- Skinner

- Patter (polka dots, black, white and red)
- Fits her figure better
- Beatle shell-like layers
- Shows more skin

- Bright, vibrant, cold, artificial
- brown/peaches

4. Physical;
- Stick figure (lost all fat)
- Long neck, taller
- Hair, back of the head, arms, elbows, back of the dress

- Pattern, black, red white
- Shows more skin
- A lot tighter
- Beatle shape at the back

- Bright, warm, artificial
- Orange/yellow

5. Physical:
- Ugly, spider-like, needles, no fat, no skin
- Lots of sharp angles (head and joints)

- Tatters rags, barely-there

- Green, black, cold light, unnatural

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Workshop 4: How does music enhance the story?

Diegetic sound - Sounds added to a scene .e.g. music.
Non-Diegetic sound - Sounds that happens naturally in a scene .e.g. footsteps, wind, blowing leaves.

Major - Written in a major key, has a happy uplifting tone
Minor - Written in a minor key, has a sad, glooming tone

Fast - Could walk quickly too, make the music feel energetic and gives it a movement/pace
Moderate - Mix two
Slow - Dragging feet pace, make the music feel lethargic, boring, energy lacking, sleepy

Loud (Farte) - Gets viewer attention, enhances emotions/mood - makes happy, happier, etc
Quiet (piano) - Either background noise or used to make viewers focus.
Changing - Quiet - loud (builds intensity) Loud - quiet (Draws focus)

Mr Taylor's video:

Song 1 - 
Happy, joyful, uplifting and energetic (fast tempo) - major chords

Song 2 -
Sad, lonely and tired (slow tempo) - minor chords

Coraline (opening scene):
Chords - Minor (has a sad vibe, feels creepy, unsettling)
Tempo - Moderate (feels on edge, walking pace, gives energy)
Dynamic - Changing (starts quiet, gets louder, grabs our attention, builds emotion and intensity)

Mouse Circus:
Chords - Minor (is very upbeat and energetic but minor tone makes it feel off/uncomfortable.)
Tempo - Fast (gives us upbeat, want to move, energy, makes the circus feel fun and lively.)
Dynamics - loud (makes viewer feel hyped up, energetic, invited to join in.)

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Chocolate brownies - Home economics

Today in home economics we baked the brownies that we had chosen to make for practical. We were in a group of 3 and then there was another person that was doing brownies as well so we went into a group of 4. This was easy but there were some problems. Here are the problems in our baking:

- The baking paper wasn't levelled
- The consistency of the mixture was too liquidy
- Didn't use the right sized eggs and tray


  • 125g butter
  • 1/4 cup cocoa
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  1.  Melt the butter in a medium-sized pot
  2. Remove from the heat when liquid
  3. Add the cocoa, sugar, eggs, salt and vanilla and mix thoroughly
  4. Sift in the flour and baking powder. Stir until all are combined.
  5. Pour the mixture into a 20-23cm square tin lined with baking paper
  6. Bake at 180c for about 39min until firm in the centre (Don't worry if the brownie mixture is higher at the edges than the middle. Whatever it's height, it will test fine)
  7. When cold, cut into rectangles and remove from tin
  8. Serve as a slice with tea or coffee, or at the sid of a plate of stewed fruit or ice cream for dessert
Sensory evaluation:
When we first pulled the brownies out of the oven the inside was cooked but when we grabbed it out of the tin it was sticky and gooey. The look of the brownies from the bottom was not very good cause once we flipped it over there was an uncooked patch,  but the top of the brownies looked like it was cooked well. The taste of the brownies was actually nice, it was soft and spongy.

I had arrived late to class cause I had kapa haka, but once I got to class my group had already started and was almost done on time. We worked really well and had most of the things done. Then once we had the brownies in the oven we had started cleaning automatically, then once the brownies were done we just had to put them in our containers and wash the rack. So, in conclusion, my work really well and the brownies turned out well.

Here are the photos:

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Workshop 3 - How does 'lighting & Colour' enhance the story?

Atmosphere - Feel in space, energy and around you
Mood - How you feel
Location - Place something is happening

Natural - Light that comes from nature (sun, moon, stars, lightning, fire)
Artificial - Man-made (light, source electricity, light bulb)
Warm Light - Yellow/orange tone
Cold light - Blue/white tone (clean/clinical)
Bright - Filled the light space
Dull - Fills part of the space faded

Colour palette - What are the predominant colours used
Warm colours - Welcoming, happy, friendly
Cold colour - Makes us feel sad, lonely, chilly (clean and clinical)

Brainstorm: Lighting/colour
What is happening - Coraline and he family having breakfast in the real kitchen
- looked rushed, tired

Natural light - Clouds through the window
Cold - White tone
Bright - Whole space bright 
- White, yellowish, cream - old
- cold (makes space feel tired)

Effect on the viewer (feel/think):
- Sad, dull, sad
- Understand they are not a happy family
- Coraline unhappy

Directors Purpose:
- Makes the other world seem more appealing
- Coraline doesn't like the real world

Other techniques camera/angles/shots, music, costume, make-up, setting:
Setting - Outside window is cloudy and grey
- Furniture looks old and run down
- Doesn't feel lived in (empty)

Brainstorm: Lighting/colour
What is happening- Coraline and Other Parents eating dinner in the other kitchen
- Everyone seemed happy
Describe/lighting - Artificial (ceiling light)
Warm - Yellow/orange tone
Dull - Some spaces dark

- Red, orange, white, black
Warm - Happy, safe, welcomed

Effect on the viewer (Feel/thing):
- Compact/close, interesting, welcoming, safe
- Coraline is happy to be there

Directors Purpose (theme):
- Shows theme looks can be deceiving because the other family looked kind and happy but are actually evil.

Other techniques:  Costume
- Formal, fashionable, fit better, make them look tidier
- Bright (black, red, white)

Workshop 2 - Linking themes to the impact of Angles, Movement and Shots

What's happening?
- "Other Wybie" standing on the stairs outside the house. 'Other Mother' asks him to smile from the doorway, instead, he frowns. 
- 'Other Wybie' making self smaller, less of a target, head down, Shoulder hunched, looks weak and vulnerable

Angles & Shots:
- POV ("Other Mother", makes her seem stronger, bigger, more dominant)
- High angle (makes Wybie look overpowered, weak and vulnerable)

- Makes viewer feel sorry for / scared for "Other Wybie"

- Foreshadowing (hinting at what is to come) 
- Hinting that maybe the 'Other Mother' isn't so wonderful!

Other Techniques:
- Lighting (spotlight on "Other Wybie", like he's on the spot / under focus)
- Dark around (creates a creepy atmosphere)

In the scene with the "Other Mother" and the 'Other Wybie', we have seen high angle shots (used to show the theme "Looks can be deceiving").  We see this when the "Other Mother" asks the "Other Wybie" to smile but he hunches over and frowns instead. This makes the audience feel sorry for "Other Wybie" because he looks scared. The use of a high angle shot from the perspective of the "Other Mother" adds to this feeling as it makes the "Other Wybie" look weak and vulnerable. The director did this to foreshadow the change of the "Other Mother" from creepy to more creepy. Coinciding with this is the use of lighting, a spotlight is on the "Other Wybie" emphasising that he is under the focus of the "Other Mother". This reminds us of earlier in the film where a low angle shot was used to make Wybie seem big and scary but really he was just ordinary. This links to the scene because it also shows a moment when the look of a character was deceiving. 

Dissection - Inside & Out

Yesterday in biology we learnt different part of the human body and how each work. This week we were learning how the blood flows through the body and how the heart is contributed to this. The test we had for the lesson was to cut open a pigs heart and find the things inside the heart that makes it pump the blood through the body.

The heart is one of the most important parts of the body, the reason is that it pumps the blood right through the body so that each part of the body works.

Here is the different part of the heart and what they do:

Heart - A hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
Atrium - Upper chamber of the heart that receives blood. 
Ventricle - Bottom part of the heart, V-shaped pumps blood away from the heart.
Aorta - Takes blood away from the heart to the rest of the body, largest artery.
Vena cava - A large vein carrying deoxygenated blood into the heart from the body.
Circulatory system - System that transports gases and nutrients around the body, using the heart, vessels and blood.

Here is some photos and videos of our dissection:

Friday, June 19, 2020

Flaky mini pastry savouries - home economics

Today in cooking as you can tell from the title we had made mini pastry savouries. These were really easy and simple. These turned out well and we worked really well. So here is the recipe,  method, sensory, evaluation, conclusion and photos:

  • 1 egg
  • pinch salt and pepper
  • 1T milk
  • Cheese, ham and tomatoes 
  1. Using pastry cutters cut circles to fit patty pans. Chill in fridge
  2. Mix: 1 egg, pinch of salt, 1T milk.
  3. Whisk together with a fork
  4. Transfer egg mixture to a measuring cup
  5. Place some thawed peas and corn in each pastry case
  6. Carefully pour egg mixture into each case. Don't spill any
  7. Bake at 200℃ for 8-10 minutes
  8. Cool and eat
Sensory evaluation:
The outer part of the pastry was light, fluffy and flakey which is what we were going for. The inside was where the egg, cheese and ham, they were cooked really well and they tasted delicious. The outside was a nice golden brown and the egg looked like it was cooked well.

This week had turned out well just like last week and we had worked really well and had already gone into things without fighting over who was doing what. We had automatically done the work and had no fights and had just worked as what a team should.

Here is the cutout pastry
Here is the pastry placed in the tin so they can get cooled in the fridge
Piling the extra pastry 
Then rolling them so we can cut it
Here is everyone prepping the food for the inside of the pastry
Grating the cheese for the inside of the pastry
                                                                  Whisking the egg for the inside
                                                                   Here are the finish product

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Arthritis research

This week in inside and out we are in science, so today we are going to be looking at arthritis. Here is a slide on all about arthritis:

What are the causes of arthritis?
A cut in the normal amount of this cartilage tissue causes some forms of arthritis. Normal wear and tear, one of the most common forms of arthritis. An infection or injury to the joints can increase this natural breakdown of cartilage tissue.

Can everyone get arthritis?
 It is not an assured condition. Risk factors increase the likelihood you will develop arthritis, but people can develop the disease who have none of the known risk factors.

Who is most likely to get arthritis?
 The risk of many types of arthritis including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout increases with age and your sex. Women are more likely than men to develop rheumatoid arthritis, while most of the people who have gout, another type of arthritis, are men.

What are the two most common types of arthritis?
Two common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful, degenerative joint disease that often involves the hips, knees, neck, lower back, or small joints of the hands.

What are ways to prevent arthritis?
  • Exercise
  • Avoid injury
  • Protect your joints
  • See your doctor
How is it treated?
Treatment of arthritis usually includes rest, occupational or physical therapy, exercise, drugs, and sometimes surgery to correct joint damage. Treatments for osteoarthritis usually can help relieve pain and stiffness, but the disease may continue to progress.

Search ResultsFeatured snippet from the we

Search ResultsFeatured snippet from the web

Workshop 1 - Inside and out

Theme & ideas - Continuous ideas/subject that links throughout the text

'looks can look deceiving' - Don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge by appearance
Examples  1:
- Character Wybyie: when we first met him he seems scary (mask, motorbike) (use of high angle shot) (music really scary and loud) but in reality he's just a weird neighbour.
- Shows theme because like other characters, our first impressions based on appearance, tone, visual techniques aren't always correct.
- Important because helps the audience understand with Coraline that just because something looks good doesn't mean it is, she should choose the real world over the other world.

Example 2:
- Character the other mother: she seems normal/friendly at the start but by the end, she becomes a devouring spider demon.
- Shows theme because 'Other mother' isn't what she appears to be at the start so we shouldn't judge by first impressions.
- Important because Coraline realises that having something that looks perfect isn't always a good thing.

S - statements: In Coraline,  the theme 'looks can be deceiving' is used effectively to engage the audience
E - evidence: For instance, the character of the 'Other Mother' shows us that looks can be deceiving because she starts off as a kind mother figure but gradually changes into a soul-devouring demon spider.
X - explanation/audience: This makes us understand, that we shouldn't judge a character based on first impressions as they can often be wrong.
X - explanation/director: This was done to, help Coraline decide between the real world and the other world. If the 'Other Mother' was really perfect Coraline wouldn't choose to go home.
X - explanation/other techniques (shots/angles, music, setting, lighting/colour): Combined with, is the use of colour and lighting. The 'Other Mother' first appears in a vibrantly bright room that makes us feel warm and safe. However, by the end, it has become dark and green which makes the viewer feel scared and shows that the first looks were deceiving.
Y - Your link: This can be juxtaposed to the character of Wybie who we think at first is evil but is actually kind, proving looks can be deceiving.

Philippines Independence Day

Magandang Umaga, this week we are learning about the Philippines independence day, in our wananga, we made a slide to show everything about the Philippines day:

Friday, June 12, 2020

Coralline - Inside and out

This week in inside and out we have been focusing on coralline. Yesterday we had watched the full movie coralline then we had to write down the 5 key events and 5 characters that were in the movie. Today we had gone through the movie but have stopped it at a time so we can focus on the music, camera shots and lightning/ mood. In class, we have done the opening scene and the pink palace scene, so here is what we had written down: 

Opened scene: 
  • Creepy - of how slow it was 
  • Minor tone - when something bad is going to happen
  • There’s a lullaby - made up language
  • The sound makes it more interesting
Camera shots:
  • High angle - pulling the doll inside out
  • Point of view - stitching the doll
  • Extreme close up - pulling wool through the needle
  • Detail shot - the button
  • The lighting was green
  • Dark and creepy
  • The room looked vintage
  • Cold tone - lighting
The pink palace: 
  • Gentle - coralline exploring the backyard
  • Enchanting - coralline exploring
  • Happy/sweet
  • More innocent - Because she’s a child
  • High pitch - children singing
  • Changed to fast - coralline throwing rock at the cat
  • High tension
  • Minor tone
  • Chasing music - cat chasing after coralline 
Camera shots:
  • Point of view - cat watching coralline 
  • Over the shoulder - cat chasing after her
  • High angle - showing the garden
  • Long shot - viewing the house
  • Transition tilt - when the scenery is changed
  • Grey - arriving at the house
  • Warm - adventuring the garden
  • Dark - when coralline meets wybie
  • Dull
  • Gloomy
  • Boring

  • sassy
  • curious
  • Childlike, imaginative
  • moody
  • Bright yellow, raincoat
  • Bright clothing - stands out - dull setting and everyone else
  • Blue hair
  • Shows she is different
  • She doesn't belong
House - Inside scene:
  • Dark
  • Cold
  • Old
  • Boring - pastel colours
  • Empty
  • Worn down
  • Untidy
  • Rustic
Real parents:
  • Neglectful - giving no attention to coralline
  • Busy - workaholics
  • Forgetful
  • Mum is more passive-aggressive
  • Look old - on how they look
  • Bland - clothing
  • Tired - bags under eyes
  • Unhealthy -look pale and drowsy
  • Depressed - often frowning and tone of voice
Dutch tilt:
  • Sign of danger
  • Warning - something bad is going to happen
  • Pov - Dolls
  • Creepy
  • Minor key - warning
  • Slow/medium timbre
  • Sounded like a music box - going to bed
  • other realm - jack in the box
  • Bright - coralline fits in this world
  • Vibrant
  • Homely
  • WArm
  • Welcoming
  • Full of things - unpacked
  • Clean
  • Looked after
Other parents:
  • Healthy
  • Energetic - other dad with the piano
  • Mum coding a full meal - selfless and other dad didn't make dinner
  • Dad shaved - looked clean and happy

Pikelets - Home economics

This week in cooking we had made pikelets, these are like tiny pancakes but more work is made into it. These were very easy, this week was the first time we had used the pan. Here is the recipe, method, sensory evaluation, conclusion and photos:

  • 1 cup of plain flour
  • 1t Baking powder
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup Milk
  1. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl
  2. In a separate bowl beat the egg and sugar with a whisk until pale and thick
  3. Add the egg mixture and the milk to the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
  4. Gently heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and add or brush with a little melted butter. Drop tablespoons of the batter from the point of the spoon onto the surface
  5. When bubbles start to burst on the top of the pikelets, turn them over and cook the second side until golden
  6. Place on a cooling rack (baking paper over it)
  7. Serve with a sweet-savoury topping
Sensory evaluation: These pikelets were amazing. They were soft and warm in the inside and the outside was nice and crispy. The look of them was amazing, they were golden brown on the outside and the inside was brown.

Conclusion: This week I had the same team as last week but had 1 different person, I had arrived early so that we can finish early and get it done quickly. We worked really well and had communicated well, we took turns when our arms were getting sore while whisking, took turns on cooking the pikelets and talked on who was getting what ingredients. Amazingly we had got the work done and the pikelets went well. 

Here are the photos of making the pikelets:
                                                              Here is the Mise en place
                                                              Greasing the pan with butter
flipping over the pikelets

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Cup stacking - Sport hurumanu

This week in sport hurumanu we have been focusing on how to professionally cup stack. When we arrive to class we play bench ball and then we watch a video on how to do the 3, 6, 3, last week we focused on the 3,3,3. Then once we had watched the video we got started, so we grabbed 12 cups of the same colour and we got started. I really like cup stacking it’s really easy and is good for anyone to try it. If you want to try here are the things you need: 

  • Professional staking cups 
  • Non sliding surface 
Here is some video to show you how to cup stack easily: 

These two videos show do cup stacking but it slows down and shows you step by step.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Coraline - Inside and out

5 Plot points:

  1. Moving to the house
  2. Finding the door
  3. Meeting the other mother and other father 
  4. Meeting the boy and cat
  5. Finding out that the other mother is evil
5 Characters:

  1. Coraline
  2. Wybie
  3. Mr Bobinsky
  4.  Cat
  5. Miss Spink and Miss Miss Forcible

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Home economics - Chocolate chip cookies

Today in home economics we had been baking chocolate chip cookies. This was super easy and quick. Here is the recipe for the cookies:


100g butter
1/2 cup Chelsea white sugar
1/2 cup Chelsea soft brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 1/2 cup flour
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup chocolate chip

  1. Softened butter, and add both sugars and cream these together. Beat in the eggs and vanilla then mix in the dry ingredients
  2. Roll the dough into medium-sized balls, making sure the mixture is not too wet. Put on a well-greased baking tray.
  3. They shouldn't spread too much so flatten slightly. Bake at 180℃ for 8-10 mins
Tip: You can easily half this recipe. Or roll half into a log, wrap in cling wrap and freeze. Cut into 15 pieces while still frozen and bake.

Sensory evaluation: The taste of the cookies were really good, they tasted a bit bland but they were very soft and warm. When I let them cool a bit they were a bit hard but had tasted a bit better and I could taste the vanilla.

Conclusion: I had come early to class so I could be back with my original group, we had already had our ingredient ready and started straight away. This was an easy recipe, especially with 4 people. We each got into roles without even talking and had already got the dough ready. Then we chose who was checking on the cookies so they wouldn't get burnt. So, in conclusion, my group had worked really well and the cookies had turned out awesome.

Here are some photos through our making of the cookies:

                                                  Here are all the ingredients 
                                       Here are all the ingredients mixed together 
                                                        This is the dough on the baking paper
The dough in the oven getting cooked
Here are the finished cookies!

Arbor Day

What is Arbor Day? Arbor Day is a holiday that is celebrated on the 5 of June, certain people and groups are encouraged to plant trees. Today, many countries observe such a holiday, usually in the spring.

Why is this important for Nz's environments?  
To celebrate our natural beauty by educating our communities, planting a passion for future protection and preservation of our wondrous heritage trees.

What are some ways we see HHS helping with the environment?
  • Planting trees (all around the school)
  • Picking up rubbish (inside & out of school)
  • Making compost
  • Making garden beds
  • Having a big tree garden at the back of the field
Yesterday Tr & Ts went to the back of the field and planted or cleaned the trees. Lily and I had planted a flax tree, we called her Ataahua because she is going to grow into a beautiful flax tree. I can't wait till I can see her grow and use her to flax bags or little plants.

Here a photo from yesterday of me and 7 other people with trees to plant:

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Camera techniques - Definition

Welcome back to another blog. This week blog is related to my definition of the language of film work. This time this one is a definition of each camera techniques and what they are used for, this is going to be shown in a slide:

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Language of film

Welcome back to another blog. This week this blog is about our hurumanu class inside and out. This is the new hurumanu that we have started on for this term. This hurumanu is mixed with science and film study, this work is a definition for the language of film: 

Body language: Used to show the feeling of the characters

Costumes: To show the personality of the character through clothing

Hairstyles: Same with the costumes it is to show the personality of the character by what is on their head

Make-up: To make the actor look similar to the character

Colour: To make the stage to match the mood of the scene, for example, blue is sad and red is mad

Lighting: Also to set the mood and make the main part more visible

Props: Equipment that the actor can interact with for the scene

Settings: To get the stories more advance and to describe the areas

Dialogue: To either progress a plot or to show something new about the character (talking in the scene)

Sound effects: Made to create a mood for the audience

Music: Also to set a mood or a scene by sound

Silence: Made to create a serious area or in acting

Symbols: Mostly an object, used to recommend new ideas

Special FX: To create a realistic view of the movie

What am I learning? I'm learning to define the language of film using visual & sound techniques.

How does this work show my learning? This shows that I can identify each of the Subjects and I know what they mean

What am I wondering as a result of this learning? I'm wondering if there is more meaning to these topics

Samoan Language week

This week is Samoan language week so my wananga class have been looking at different topics about Samoan and its culture. The topic I chose was art/tattoo.

What interested you about this topic? Well, the reason why I chose art was because of how every design that's on the mats or wherever the design it's on it has each meaning.

3 key ideas I have learnt about this topic: 

1. Only tattoo designs can be work by Samoans
2. It is disrespectful if you display their symbols and design
3. The design means many things

Why is this significant to the people of Samoa? The tattoo and designs of the Samoa islands represent community, power, respect, honour and is a mark of pride that can only be worn by Samoans

How does this topic compare to New Zealand's equivalent?

Samoans design has more detail in them than what Maori arts, but Maori arts have more creativity in them. They are both beautiful designs hand both have meaning in their arts.